Inspiring others is a major part of NoRuleBook and our users would love to read others NoRuleBook stories. Thus, rather than being a passive reader of this book, I encourage you to be an active participant of NoRuleBook, by contributing.
So please contact us by completing the below form, and attaching your story and relevant image files.
I will then endeavour to post your story to this website where you can share with your family and friends.
My intention, by sharing all these diverse stories, will be to motivate others to join the No Rule Book community, so, they too, can share their journey.
Your story may seem a small step when compared to what others have done, but comparing yourself to others is not the point of NoRuleBook. Far from it.
The first step is your step and your start. This step can lead on to bigger steps, exciting opportunities, new directions, and fulfilling journeys for you.
So I encourage you to post your own NoRuleBook story and, if you wish, treat it as a ‘living’ story that can be updated as you progress.
Additionally, if you have any other questions or reason to contact me, please reach out with this form.